LiFT Church is a Salisbury church that certainly puts their faith into action! Recently, the church provided more than 200 of its members to participate in 20 local community projects as part of their annual “Serve Day.” On July 13, the Christian Shelter was one fortunate recipients of this service to God.
Several months prior to Serve Day, the Christian Shelter completed the replacement of the old, cedar-slat siding on the Shelter’s clothing ministry building located on Short Street. The cedar siding material was replaced with new, vinyl siding.
Adjacent to this building is a small shed which houses our lawn mower and yard tools. When LiFT Church approached us, we asked Pastor Brumbley if they could install new, vinyl siding on the shed to match the siding material on the clothing ministry building.
The Pastor said “Yes!” Dean Gladden, owner of Gladden Construction and a member of LiFT Church, made the arrangements to make that happen.
On Serve Day, a team of men from LiFT Church arrived to replace the shed’s siding. The day began with comments from Salisbury Mayor Randy Taylor, and then a word from Pastor Brumbley, followed by a time of worship.
Then—with great precision—the crew went to work and completed the job! The Christian Shelter is so thankful that LiFT Church has a heart for service and cares so much about the Salisbury community.