Get your tickets for: Sheltering Hearts Banquet 2025

The Christian Shelter, a non-profit providing safe harbor and nutritious meals to people in crisis, will hold its annual fundraising banquet on Saturday, April 5 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center, Midway Room, in Salisbury. The event will begin with a reception at 5:30 p.m. and dinner following at 6:00 p.m. The event will raise funds to support the Shelter’s operational budget for 2025.

This year’s “Sheltering Hearts Banquet” will feature a delicious dinner, live entertainment, fellowship and a keynote speech by Robert K. Gehman, President Emeritus of the Helping Up Mission in Baltimore. The homeless facility shelters nearly 500 men and women every night. His comments about the homeless problem – and how Maryland communities can respond to it – will inform and inspire everyone who is concerned about facing this crucial, societal problem locally.

Tickets must be purchased by Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Individual tickets are $75, and a selection of Sponsor packages are available at $250 for a table for two guests through $5,000 for a table for eight guests. To order yours, send an email to Shanika Manuel at or call 410-749-5673.

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