Phylicia Ennis

The Christian Shelter has helped many single mothers in the past. Recently, Phyllicia and her infant son were one of these families seeking help. Before arriving, her days were filled with the uncertainty of not having a place to live, the need for employment and childcare, and the unknown challenges that she might face because she was homeless. Not having the answers to these questions gave way to many stressful days and sleepless nights.

She chose the Christian Shelter for several reasons, the most important of which is that it is a God-centered ministry serving the homeless community. Also, it was important that she not be separated from her son, so she prayed that one of the family rooms might be available.

On the day she called and talked to the staff, God provided a family room. Upon arriving at the shelter she states, “The ladies in the front office were so nice and greeted me as if I was one of their own daughters.” This is when Phyllicia’s journey towards self-sufficiency and a better life began.

Phyllicia has been one of our long-term guests who followed the rules, volunteered for many daily chores, and was willing to do anything that would benefit the mission of the shelter. During a person’s stay, policies and procedures for the guests are in place, and function as a guide to add structure to their lives.

The structure of a wake-up time followed by breakfast, the assignment of chores that keep the facility clean and in good order, the attendance on evening devotions to spend time with God, and the curfew at the end of the day.

It is our prayer that each guest begins to realize the good benefits of a structured life, especially if it becomes a life whose foundation is the Lord. Phyllicia was asked, “What have you learned during your extended stay at the Christian Shelter and how has this affected your faith? What would you say to a mother with two children who have just arrived at the shelter?”

She replied, “Trust the process, and no matter how long or how hard it may be, do not be discouraged and have faith. Follow the guidelines of the shelter and listen and pray with the staff because they will be at your side. Listen and read God’s word, change your way of thinking, and work hard to become a person who provides a stable home for yourself and the children in your care. Do not waste the time you spend at the

Christian Shelter. Work at improving yourself. This is a place where people want to help you.”

Phyllicia experienced many challenges during her stay, but the staff would always pray and encourage her to be strong and wait on God for the answers. Besides the staff at the shelter, this mother and son are blessed to have a caring group of “aunts” surrounding them. They have witnessed her potential and are willing to be a source of strength and accountability for her.

Our staff noticed the change of heart and encouraged Phyllicia to make an application to the Village of Hope’s Steps to Success Transitional Living Program. The Shelter can refer women who are homeless and highly motivated to make positive changes in their lives. If she is accepted into the program, she will work closely with Case Managers and other staff to give her the tools and resources that she needs to become self-sufficient and improve her situation.

Participants in this program reside in a fully furnished apartment, which provides privacy, serenity, and security. Phylicia applied to the Village of Hope, and God has heard the prayers of our staff. She recently left the Christian Shelter and has entered their program.

God brought about the available family room and extended stay at the shelter. He put them into place with a caring family of “aunts” who want a better life for their “niece.” He made her acceptance in the Village of Hope’s Transitional Living Program possible. God did it all and we give thanks for all that He does at the shelter.

The Shelter has been a blessing to Phyllicia and her son, and they have blessed our entire staff.

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